The Leader in Me™

Grant Elementary uses the Leader in Me to integrate several leadership, social-emotional learning, quality, and educational models and processes. This includes student participation in goal setting, data tracking, leadership roles, student-led conferences, leadership environments, and leadership events. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is also a key component of the overall Leader in Me process and is a synthesis of universal, timeless principles of personal, interpersonal, and organizational effectiveness such as responsibility, vision, integrity, teamwork, collaboration, and renewal.
The Leader in Me helps students develop the skills and self-confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond. Specifically, the Leader in Me focuses on students learning the following 21st-century skills: student self-confidence, teamwork, creativity, initiative, self-direction, leadership, responsibility, communication, social etiquette, and problem-solving. Students learn these skills through participation in goal setting, data tracking, leadership roles, student-led conferences, leadership environments, leadership events, and more.
What is a Lighthouse School?
Grant Elementary was first recognized as a Lighthouse School in May of 2017. We renewed this credential in 2019 and again in Spring 2022. The Lighthouse milestone is a highly regarded standard. The attainment of Lighthouse status represents a significant benchmark, and it is evident that a high standard has been met by the school. Becoming a Lighthouse School is a recognition schools earn because they have produced outstanding results in school and student outcomes by implementing the Leader in Me with fidelity. Internationally, there are about 600 schools that have achieved this prestigious milestone.
What do we do differently at Grant?
- We reinforce leadership with a common language.
- Teachers integrate leadership language into school curriculum and instruction.
- Staff collaborate and work together to effectively build a culture of leadership.
- Students are provided with meaningful student leadership roles and responsibilities.
- Parents are given opportunities to learn the 7 Habits through events and literature.
- A system is in place for regularly setting and tracking schoolwide, classroom, and individual goals.
- Leadership events are held to allow students to practice their leadership skills.
- Staff, student, and parent leadership teams are in place to have a voice in school decisions.
- Student-led conferences are held to increase self-reflection of goals and increase student’s voice.
- Students maintain leadership notebooks to display their learning and progress on goals.
- “Leadership Labs” allow students to find their voice by trying out different extracurricular activities.